Lifestyle or so they say
The Home Edit Made Me Do It
Organizing soothes my anxiety. It’s so calming to have something I can fix in my life when there is so much I can’t fix – ya dig? I prefer the anxiety over depression:…
Fine [Chronicles]
Fine “Fine” is such a dirty word to describe your mental health when you’re struggling with it. Quite literally a four letter word. Every time I say I’m fine, I am basically saying…
A Social Life: It’s Just Not For Me
Some of y’all may be pretty familiar with my bad dating luck. It’s not exactly a secret. But in all fairness, it’s not always them. Sometimes I am the lemon.
A ‘You’ Binge: Social Life for 2019 Canceled
If you’ve been in a social media blackout, you may not know that ‘You’ has invaded Netflix. This show has basically terrifying all single women into deleting their online footprint. In true me…
New Year, Better Us
Happy New Year, all! Yeah, yeah I know – it’s been 2019 for a hot minute, you loser. We’re full on in this ish now… The new year doesn’t really count until we survive…