The Boy Is a Freshman: 1st Day Recap
Can you believe I have a freshman?! Yup. THE BOY IS A FRESHMAN! This kid is getting so old. Yikes. But anyway, let me tell you about his first day of school! Man,…
Parenting In The Pandemic: I Am Obsessing About Screen Time
Why hasn’t anyone written a book called Pandemic Parenting? Or Parenting During a Pandemic? Trapped In a Box: Parenting Quarantine Style? What were parents doing during the Black Plague? 1918 Flu?? Probably trying…
Lucky 13: Lessons My Kid Has Taught Me (So Far)
It’s official. We have reached lucky 13 and I officially have a teenager. How crazy is that?! I barely met the kid and now all of a sudden he’s already been hanging around…
Happy To Be Sad
I was talking with my mom a while ago and I told her I’d been having some down days; struggling with my depression a bit. In a little plot twist during this talk,…
About Last Week: Parenting Recap
Hey guys! Today I thought I’d let you into the wonderful and often weird world I live in. It’s usually fairly boring, but it has moments. Anyway, let me tell you a bit…