Lucky 13: Lessons My Kid Has Taught Me (So Far)
It’s official. We have reached lucky 13 and I officially have a teenager. How crazy is that?! I barely met the kid and now all of a sudden he’s already been hanging around…
Happy To Be Sad
I was talking with my mom a while ago and I told her I’d been having some down days; struggling with my depression a bit. In a little plot twist during this talk,…
Preteens Suck: Sh*t My Kid Says Edition
Eww. Teenage boys kind of suck. And the ones in the teenage preparation stage, or preteens, as they are widely known, aren’t any better. Preteens suck too. This whole phase is a general suckfest of…
About Last Week: Parenting Recap
Hey guys! Today I thought I’d let you into the wonderful and often weird world I live in. It’s usually fairly boring, but it has moments. Anyway, let me tell you a bit…
Adolescents Are Real Life Gremlins: Parenting
Guys, I live with a real life gremlin. Nobody told me about this. The Boy’s voice is cracking and I can’t handle it. He’s shot up almost six inches (I might be exaggerating…